薄石板销售 , 模型道具设计制作 , LED大屏制作 , 展览设计搭建
TR-30118 Terra Red 天然薄石板

产地德国规格118cm x 58cm(mm)
比重1(g/cm3) 抗压强度1(MPa)
抗弯强度1(MPa) 表观密度1(kg/m3)
堆积密度1(kg/m3) 含泥量1(%)
泥块含量1(%) 含水率1(%)


teach an old stone new tricks!


stoneslice is a stone veneer made of real slate, sliced thinly using a patented process then infused with afibreglassbacking, giving stoneslice unique and beneficial characteristics that the original stone never had.
stoneslice is a composite product that has been designed to meet the growing need for surface finishes.

stoneslice behaves like any normal slate under the elements. as such it is typically used for feature walling and ceilings, furniture, indoors or out, and can also be used in water features.

薄石板的优点advantages of stoneslice:
*石材表面the product is a real slate surface﹔
*轻量light weight﹔
*可弯曲flexibility - stoneslice can be curved! unheard of in regularslate slabs﹔


easily cut and shaped without having to use heavy cutting e allowing for the perfect slate surface. you do not need to be a stonemason to work with stoneslice.


hassle free installation using commercially availableconstruction-grade adhesives.

符合美国防火标准fire resistance
依据美国联邦法规第16章第1500.44款对刚性及柔性固体产品的要求;对stoneslice (薄石板)所作的sgs可燃性测试结果表明此产品具有防火性能,


stoneslice is fire resistant, with nil to negligible burn rate.

(according to sgs flammability tests based on the u.s. code of federal regulations title 16 part 1500.44 for rigid & pliable solids)

防水和防紫外线性能water and uv resistance


stoneslice was actually designed and formulated for water features. also, being a real stone surface stoneslice will withstand water - submerged or otherwise as well as full exposure to sun and uv.

薄石板规格material data
标准尺寸standard size per sheet﹕158cm x 72cm, 120cm x 60cm
及118cm x 58cm视乎石种
平均厚度average thickness per standard sheet﹕1.2mm (1-3mm)
平均重量average weight per standard sheet﹕每片约1.6千克

available in 30 standard colors and textures.
